
My name is Marcy Shieh and I am a PhD Candidate at the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I study American politics with a concentration in judicial politics. My research interests include judicial elections, judicial selection methods, judicial decision-making, campaigns, text analysis, and survey experiments.

In my three-paper dissertation titled, The Impact of Campaigns and Elections on the Behavior of State Supreme Court Justices, I question how the nature of judicial elections supplements existing work on judicial behavior and voter behavior in the context of low-information elections. Building on research in judicial politics and state politics, I argue that judicial elections motivate justices to consider more than policy preferences and the law and challenge conventions of judicial legitimacy.

I graduated from the University of California, Davis with a BA in political science and philosophy with a minor in statistics in 2014. Prior to graduate school, I worked as a technical project coordinator at a healthcare policy firm.

In my spare time, I like hanging out with my cat, eating and cooking food, and watching films and television.